Delete MSN Account Permanently

How to Delete Your MSN Account Permanently? MSN Email

Do you want to delete your MSN account, Hotmail account, Windows Live Account permanently? It is quite simple. Its easy to erase them if you know where to search. In this we will discuss that how we can delete MSN, Hotmail and Windows Live account?

After reading this blog, you will be able to delete your MSN account, Windows Live or another Microsoft account. But the good news is that you are at the right blog. We are giving you a brief explanation for deleting your MSN account, Windows Live Account, Hotmail Account.

Significant information about removing your MSN, Outlook and Windows Live Microsoft accounts

Visit the Microsoft Billing service prior to closing or removing your Microsoft Account (Hotmail, Windows Live, and MSN accounts). If you have a live subscription, it will block you from permanently close your account.

Hotmail and Windows Live accounts are not considered as "Microsoft Accounts". You can't close just the Hotmail account without closing the entire Windows Live aka Microsoft Account.

Recall to spend any Skype credits before you deleting your account. You will lose your credits If you delete your account.

The second is check your Microsoft and Xbox account balances. Remove any credit cards from your account on this page as well.

It approximate takes two months to close your account. You can upgrade this. It used to be over 200 days.

When you close your account, it would stop accepting emails.

Interestingly, even after 365 days of inactivity, your Windows Live ID and password will persist on the server unless someone attempts to register a new account using your exact Live ID.

Steps To Delete all your Microsoft Accounts:

  • Sign into your Hotmail, Windows Live or This will redirect you to the new interface. Now that you are logged in, go to to manage your account settings.
  • From the Microsoft Account page, Click Security. At the bottom of the new page, Click More Security Options. Scroll down to the bottom of the account details page and Click the Close my account link.
  • At this final step, Microsoft will inform you about all the things you must first do before they will close your account.
  • Even after closing all subscriptions on my account, Microsoft still didn't let me close a few of my test accounts. So, if the above steps didn't work for you, then don't worry. You can contact MSN customer service experts for your assistance.